We are fast reaching the end of rehearsals for the three sections we have created. Tonight we learnt and reworked the Market section. Although the movement is simple, the dancers need to keep their wits about them as we are playing with different facings and directions and traveling. But it is going to be a lot of fun for the audience. Tonight we had Julia Quinn and Yoris in rehearsal, and Julia had created a pineapple selling phrase. We all learnt that and incorporated it into our routine.
The main rehearsal tonight was detailing our Busby Berkley finale. Is the finger pointed? Are we aiming above the head or at the face? Where are the silver balls meant to be? Trying to get such a diverse group of dancers with many styles amongst them, to all learn a new style that is almost "old Fashioned" has its moments, but I am very proud of the dancers, some of whom have never been in a full length performance before and are rising to the demands. The actors in the cast, (Yoris and Bilha) also have to learn the dancing.
I enjoy watching the different approach actors take to the work. So often their commitment is strong as they launch themselves into new ideas, worrying less about the details that the dancers get concerned with. Over time we will get both groups on the same page.
Thursday is the last real day for these sections. New material next week
Sounds fabulous. I think I fancy Busby Berkely and look forward to seeing how that works.